Happy in a Keep Cup

We know you love our biodegradable BioPak cups that we told you about in our March blog (hyperlink), but here at The Fast Lane, we are always searching for the best ways to enjoy our coffee with the least impact on the environment. We didn’t want to just leave it at the best possible takeaway cups on the market, so we did our research on reusable cups too.

Introducing The Fast Lane Keep Cups! An Australian company constantly striving to innovate, we’ve enlisted them to make our own special reusable cups. 

But aren’t they just made of plastic, so bad for the environment we hear you ask? Here’s the thing – these are made to last, so you’ll have one cup for years, and when you are done with it, it’s recyclable! 

We also love their philosophy – It’s better to have fewer, high quality things and use them well.

Now we know how great an alternative they are, the big question is – how do you remember to take it with you every day?!

We hear you – remembering to take your bags to the supermarket and your reusable cup to The Fast Lane can be tough, but we’re here to help. We’ve compiled a list of tips to help you remember to bring your Keep Cup with you on every trip to The Fast Lane. 

  • Set an alarm. It sounds simple, but we usually leave the house around the same time every day, so if you set an alarm on your phone for just before you go, you’ll remember to grab it on your way out the door.

  • Wash your cup at the office and leave it in the car for the trip to work the next day.

  • Go old school and use a post-it note on the mirror or on the front door with a little reminder.

  • Change your morning routine – keys – check, wallet – check, phone – check, sunnies – check, lunch – check, keep cup – check!If you do take it home, wash it out and leave it with your keys at the front door.

Whatever your preferred size of coffee, however you choose to remind yourself, make sure you grab your own The Fast Lane Keep Cup next time you get your coffee- $16 for small, $18 for regular and $20 for a large.

The Fast Lane - happy in a Keep Cup! 
*participating stores only.

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